Tuesday 8 May 2012

Hada Labo is a hit ;)

HaDa LaBo ~~~

The Hada Labo Lotion ( Lotion in known as toner in Japan) has three types.

The BLUE bottle is for whitening

The RED bottle is for lifting + firming

The WHITE bottle is for moisturising.

I bought the white one ^^

I have such an oily face especially when using a moisturiser is a huge danger zone for me,a or not I'll end up with a massive BREAKOUT. Let me tell you that is not a pretty sight 0.o

The commercial didn't really intrigued me to buy it but the sales girl at guardian totally got me on the hooked.

Here's how the conversation when down :-

Promoter : Hi miss do you, have skin problems?

Me : ( was not really in the mood) not really, thanks
Promoter : (determine not to leave me alone) miss you oily skin?

Me : (stab in the heart, the last thing i want to hear) yes, especially my t-zone area.

Promoter : Then this very good for you! ( took out habo lado bottle the white one)

Me : ( look at the bottle then i saw, my mortal enemy the word lotion) I'm sorry i cant wear lotion on my face, it will clog my pores. (I'm off the hook, phew.. )

Promoter : No miss lotion means toner in Japan. This product act as a toner to moisturise your face and you can even use a bit on your body the part that feels dry. This product is very absorbent.

Okay, she gave a really really long explanation. So I'm just gonna summarise what this bottle of miracle does.  This toner/ moisturiser/ lotion contains super hyaluronic acid ( the actual use this in BOTOX) 


 Hyaluronic acid plays an important role in tissue dehydration, lubrication and cellular function. It is produced in the body naturally, however, over time, as with all vitamins and nutrients in the body, the synthesis of Hyaluronic Acid diminishes.


Super Hyaluronic Acid forms a smooth, moisture locking shield to replenish and retain essential moisture of the skin. Super Hyaluronic Acid has twice the moisture retention capacity of Hyaluronic Acid (1gm of Hyaluronic Acid is able to hold up to 6 liters of water). It also has the ability to mimic skin’s natural moisturising ability to enhance water retention of the stratum corneum. Skin stays lastingly hydrated and feels smoother, suppler and more radiant.

So at the end of the day, I bought one bottle, and of course, there is no tester size.

The front of Bottle

The back of the bottle

Picture of the super hyaluroninc acid which i found ADORABLE!

How to use it?
1. Open the bottle and pour a small amount on your hand. Because it is rather sticky and thick, just about 2-3 drops is sufficient.
2. Spread the lotion onto your face.
3. Start slapping yourself non-stop like the girl in the commercial. (LOL, just joking pat in gently on your face)

 This is how the lotion moisturizer thingy looks like.

Its kinda sticky when you pat in on your face, but it absorbed really fast!

It cost RM 39.90

It is quite pricey but it last for such a long time. Keep in my mind you only use 2-3 drops ( I only use 1-2 drops,I'll explain later) a day. I've been using for a month everyday and I still haven't reach a quarter of the bottle yet!



Explaination :

I only use sometimes 1 drop because I do not use it on my T-ZONE area, as it makes it look and feel very oily. So for does who face the same problem as me I don't recommend but again it depends on the person.

However,it did keep its promise by keeping the skin look and feel moisturized.

The packaging I find "OK". Very Simple.

The price is quite is pricey but also a steal. because this thing can last you about estimation 8 months? because its texture is lotion like so you can spread it.

So ladies and gents thanks for reading my blog. Hope for those who are eager to try go on ahead. Because you'll never know until you try. Till next time lovelies ;)

Peace out :D


Monday 7 May 2012

F-Cup cookies Mania

So basically I've been hearing a lot (and i mean A LOT ) of this F-Cup cookies.

Obviously these magical cookies have something to do with increasing your bust (or as i call them ta-tas) 

But the real reason i bought them is because it is said to also help you get a 8 figure shape. ;)
what i want a slender curvy body. seriously tell me what girl wouldn't dream of that.

Fcup cookies :)

I found the box very cute and girl. And very very appealing. You can clearly see a picture of a girl with great ta-tas, I have to admit a box of these babies are expensive if your a student like me. 
A box of these cookies of 30 pcs can cost RM 168.

But my oh my, it was my lucky day when i walk into Watson. At the back of the aisle I saw 2 glowing pink boxes of F-Cup cookies on discount. I still remember a big piece of paper glued on those boxes it wrote 50 % off !!! Not long later I found myself hugging the last two boxes of the F-Cup cooking at the cashier.

   My steal. Two boxes for the price of one. jealous much? wink* wink* ;)

Before I forget, these boxes have a special sticker on them.

These gold stickers are found at the end of the box on the left hand side. It symbolises that the cookies are ORIGINAL. Around the stickers it says "Original from japan yokoyama co.Ltd" They have been reports of these cookies being counterfeit because of its popularity. So ladies, be careful when you purchase these cookies on line or on the streets. God knows what horrible chemicals they put in their cookies. You might grow a third boob XD

Lets go inside the box now :)

I find the wrappers very cute and simple. Reminds me of all those old types of candies withe the red and white swirl. LOLS.
There are 30 pieces in 1 box. currently i have 28 left in one box.

I didn't take the picture of the cookies so i had to use this hehe.. 

So the cookies looks like that. I took the chocolate flavored cookies and i say it taste AH- MAH- ZING ! It has a shortbread type of texture which i like and the taste is just perfection.

Anyways this cookies contains an active ingredient called Pueraria mirifica

here how the pueraria mirifica looks like.

This fruit is widely use in Thailand for a very long time.  This fruit contains natural breast-enhancing ingredient.

Other ingredients in these cookies are mostly soy. So, those who are allergic to soy are not recommended to use this product at all. 

How to use these magnificent cookies effectively and safely you wonder.

    1.   The box says you have to take 2 cookies per day. one at in the morning and the other at night. But in the depends on your body. my friend could not handle 2 cookies per day because it is very strong. she says her body feels very very hot (and not in a good way) so she takes 1 per day
    2. Drink a lot of water. as eat these cookies it turns up your body temperature a notch. i drank about 3-4 liters on my first day.
    3. Because of drinking a lot of water you always fill full. but that does not mean you can skip your means. an advice i receive from a long time consumer is too eat little bit before you consume the cookies. 
    4. the result can be seen up to 2 or 3 weeks depending on the person.
    5. it is advisable to take 2 cookies per day (if you can handle) up 2-3 months. as maintenance you can start consuming 1 cookie per day after the 2-3 months.
    6. do not store cookies in a very hot place or directly under sunlight.
    7. most importantly do not consume cookies during period or pregnancy as this cookie contain a lot of estrogen.
              Now for the good and bad side of these cookies
Just like us, humans, even food and object are not perfect. These cookies has its imperfection too :)

On the bright side these cookies help provide

- Larger, fuller and firmer breasts
- Improved circulation, healthier, provides menstruation relief of menopausal symptoms
- Increased vaginal secretion (better ehem* ehem* life ;)  ) , having healthier hair and skin (they said due to the estrogen in the cookies)
- Reduce stress and look younger.
-Helps with PMS (a plus side for me)
- Slimmer body ( its said that all the fat are focus to the boobies,don't know how that works)

On the downside these cookies can cause

  -Bad hot flashes in body (drink alot of water to overcome this)
- May not work on some people
-May cause irregular period (due to estrogen i assume) 

Well that's all i have to say about these cookies. this is my second day i still got a long way to go :p

Hopefully I can transform from this

To this 

What a sight ;)

P/S- I'll give you guys an update of my transformation a month later ;) pray for me guys. 

And good luck for those who are hoping to get the same result as me...  A HOT DROP DEAD GORGEOUS OHMYGAWD BODY !!!